Jabs For The Boys: information Targeted information for parents, for boys, for men who have sex with men, for men who have sex with women and for health professionals. For ParentsThinking about getting your son vaccinated? Everything about HPV and the vaccine for the parents of boys.Read MoreFor boysEverything about HPV and the vaccine for 12-16s.Read MoreFor gay menEverything about HPV and the vaccine for men who have sex with other men.Read MoreFor straight menEverything about HPV and the vaccine for men who have sex with women.Read MoreFor health professionalsInformation about HPV and the vaccine for health professionals.Read More HPV causes cancer and other serious diseases. 7,000+ Cancer cases every year in the UK 5% % of cancers caused by HPV 100+ Types of HPV virus 16 & 18 Most dangerous types of HPV